Film-shoot Budapest - a nine-week Marathon in Spring '89
KesterTester67 - What was the film title, and/or whose story was it based on? Updated! Photo montage: the film had its stars (of course)...
Observations from Hungary and Central Europe
KesterTester67 - What was the film title, and/or whose story was it based on? Updated! Photo montage: the film had its stars (of course)...
KesterTester66: You'd think this gal should be smiling - it's a sunny day, she's pretty, and she's on a motorbike (presumably her...
KesterTester65 - A picturesque scene bypassed by hundreds of thousands each year as they succumb to satnav-itis and taking hugely...
KesterTester64 - The early 1990s saw a boom in business start ups in CEE. Some flourished, at least for awhile, though many quickly...
Traian Orban is not your average museum curator: unshaven and wearing clothes that might have been charity shop rejects, he points to a ...
UPDATED: KesterTester63 - Clip from YouTube video ostensibly from 1938, at this point showing the Czechoslovak Coat-of-Arms. But Is it...
KesterTester62 - A macabre, even ghoulish Tester for Christmas, perhaps, but then, for this man Christmas some years previously had been...
KesterTester61: Not what is pictured - but where was this photo taken from? Well, it looks as if I'm going to win KT60 - nobody has...
KesterTester60 - These four statues adorn a municipal building somewhere in the region, the problem is, where? UPDATED with new clues...
KesterTester59 - An old man, by an old wall, shuffles along in the shade, picked out by a shaft of summer sunshine - It's Budapest, but...
KesterTester58 - It all depended on the price of silver - and few wars over the centuries. Updated with results of KesterTester57 - the...
KesterTester57 - This young man's ideas have led to a Revolution in his segment of work, used by millions from Chile to Japan - UPDATED...
KesterTester56 - This is one of those picteresque old-town centres that the heavy traffic roared past 500m to the east even before the...
KesterTester55 - What and Where? Despite some interesting attractions, most notably of an alcoholic kind, I suspect this district...
A Young Woman Strides towards the Archway & Light - but where? [Updated with results of KT53] Photo: A contrasty urban image from the...
She's now in her late 40s or just 50, probably. But no, you don't have to guess her name (though if she sees this pic, that would be fun,...
And why? KesterTester52 - A different kind of Tester this week. I mean, a door? What on earth? How can this be a clue? I'll post another...
KesterTester51 (it clearly should have been KT50!) - Stands proud somewhere in this region. It's pretty substantive, so it must have cost...
KesterTester49a - The Eyes May Have it in this Pic - But Local Nationals Fail to Identify Their Very Own Graffiti Street Art Photo: Yet...
KesterTester50 - The Chimneys Grow Cold. (Or Smokestacks as our American Cousins would say). It's Hungary post 1989 - But what and where?...