A Beautiful, if Petite, C European Town Square - Replete with Folksy Folksies - Where? (Updated)
KesterTester56 - This is one of those picteresque old-town centres that the heavy traffic roared past 500m to the east even before the...
Observations from Hungary and Central Europe
KesterTester56 - This is one of those picteresque old-town centres that the heavy traffic roared past 500m to the east even before the...
Since posting the first "Glimpse" into the Mayor of Hódmezővásárhely, he has become international news by winning the opposition...
KesterTester55 - What and Where? Despite some interesting attractions, most notably of an alcoholic kind, I suspect this district...
Márki-Zay, 49, and an economist, marketing specialist and electrical engineer, is also Mayor of Hódmezővásárhely, a town in south-east...
Klára Dobrev is the Democratic Coalition party's (DK) nominee for the opposition alliance's prime ministerial candidate in next spring's...
A Young Woman Strides towards the Archway & Light - but where? [Updated with results of KT53] Photo: A contrasty urban image from the...
She's now in her late 40s or just 50, probably. But no, you don't have to guess her name (though if she sees this pic, that would be fun,...
And why? KesterTester52 - A different kind of Tester this week. I mean, a door? What on earth? How can this be a clue? I'll post another...
... like Doubting Thomas who put his fingers in the wounds of Christ." Hungarian-born, British author and poet George Szirtes recalls his...
KesterTester51 (it clearly should have been KT50!) - Stands proud somewhere in this region. It's pretty substantive, so it must have cost...
My phone rang: It was Debbie Goldthorpe, head of the Commercial Section. “The Twin Towers are on Fire. Come up to the Information Section...
From Saturday 11 September: Service Frequency to be 20 minutes, First Bus to Airport at 03.30, Last Bus to City at 00.35. Fare Remains...
KesterTester49a - The Eyes May Have it in this Pic - But Local Nationals Fail to Identify Their Very Own Graffiti Street Art Photo: Yet...
KesterTester50 - The Chimneys Grow Cold. (Or Smokestacks as our American Cousins would say). It's Hungary post 1989 - But what and where?...
The saga of the Danube dam controversy between Hungary and [Czecho-] Slovakia from the early 1990s may baffle younger readers - but one...
This CEE city is historically home to a mix of at least four recognised nationalities, perhaps six if Roma and a sprinkling of remaining...
Every Picture Tells a Story [Don't it?] 30 - only not my piccies this time - but an exhibition in Ljubljana, Slovenia - August 26 -...
Afghanistan - a country where there seems to be no direct translation for the English word "promise" into the local vernaculars - Every...
.... so sorry about this, but freshers may have to give up their beds for a few nights on arrival in Budapest next month. Photo: Shiny...
Chapter 48 Tales of a Teenage Spy - The Life and Times of Gábor Rimner Photo: Podmaniczky utca 27 and its trolley bus stop in more modern...