A glimpse of a 'chemist's' as we Brits used to call a shop for medicines (maybe we still do) that now looks somewhat rundown. UPDATED with Results

Photo: For those with even a mere smattering of the vernacular, this is obviously in Hungary (or possibly a country formerly within the Hungarian Kingdom). But where?
And what is the V-shaped slot (OK, it's a kind of V on its side) that frames this scene? (I need that answer too for the jackpot prize of buying me two beers!)
I know I haven't given the answer to KT106 yet (that's the beer bottles one - so it's still open for answers, and I've made it pretty darned easy), but tempus fugit and all that, so here's another to get you sleuthing.
If you think you've nailed the answer, please write in via the website's messaging system on in an email, not forgetting to quote KT107 so the Competition Committee don't over look your entry.
Remember, global celebrity status and selfie requests for life await the lucky winner
I'll aim to sort out KT106 pronto next week. Meanwhile, have a great weekend.
UPDATE: Contestants and Winner!
Oh dear, apologies again. I've been very remiss on this latest KesterTester. But at last, I have got round to sorting out contestants and organising the draw.
As I noted in the email invitations, this was in part a much needed brain challenge “to keep the IQ levels from dipping :)”
To which, Jerry Taylor esq quipped:
“Hi Kester,
I think you’re a tad late when it comes to dipping in my case!”
But no suggestion as to the location, Mr T?
Misi Hollós followed up with:
“Hello Kester,
Well, this pharmacy may have seen better times, but – for better or worse -I don’t recall ever seeing it and haven’t got the faintest idea about its location.
So, no guessing this time. Hope all is well with you.
Best, Misi.”
Hmmmm. This may be more difficult than I thought. I'm sure you've seen it, Misi – you'll know it when you see where and what it is!
Hubert “Poirot” Warsmann (naturally) would not be denied a stab.
“KT 107 This is the Aranykereszt Patika at Nador u 24. It opened in the late 19th century and it [has] kept its spectacular oak furniture ever since. I think the inside fittings are now protected. The pharmacy has been closed for 10 or 15 years and is awaiting a new owner, willing to take on the responsibility for the listed interior and find it a new use. As for the frame, it might have something to do with the bus stop just in front of the pharmacy if I recall correctly.”
He was swiftly followed by Bálint Dömötör:
“Hello Kester,
This was quite easy for me. I studied in the CEU Library for a few weeks in the summer and walked along Nádor Street every morning and evening. The building in the photo is the Aranykereszt Gyógyszertár at 24 Nádor Street, in the 5th District of Budapest. I can also tell you that the photo was taken sometime in the past two years, based on images on the internet and Google Streetview.
I have not managed to figure out the V-shape just yet, however. I'll email you as soon as I do. It looks like the photo was taken from somewhere around the bus stop in front of the chemist's, but I haven't managed to find the V-shape around the bus stop yet.
Best, Bálint.”
Oh gosh, that seem frighteningly thorough, Bálint. Congratulations on your sleuthing powers.
On the Monday, along came Zsolt Maroti:
“Szia Kester
Budapest, V. kerület Nádor utca 24.
Finally, Junpei Duan gave herself some time off revising for exams to exclaim:
“Dear Kester,
Hello! Sorry for the late reply, I have been super busy since this semester, with working and studying balance.”
Sorry to hear about all this stress Junpei, who continued:
“I think the pharmacy mentioned in the article is the one next to Momotaro [Restaurant]. But I've heard the restaurant is closed now.
Well, that leaves me with four correct answers, sort of. (Dear Junpei, this is a globally famous competition, with very strict rules. We really need a more specific answer than 'next to Momotaro' – even if it is!)
At least, I hope I have not missed any entries - certainly none that have KT107 in the answers. Anyway, indeed, this is the Aranykereszt Gyógyszertár at 24 Nádor utca (and next to Momotaro) in District V.

An unimpeded, if rather sad photo of this historic Patika's facade. For those of you without intimate knowledge of Budapest, it's on the opposite side of the road to the former Hungarian State TV building, which itself was originally built to house the Budapest Stock Exchange around the beginning of the 20th millennium.
Come the time to draw the magical winning number out of the hat, Mrs Eddy stepped in and pulled out ... number 3, that is … Zsolt Maroti!
Except, Zsolt, you didn't explain the 'V' shape. In fact, nobody really did, although M Warsmann was more or less on the ball.
This was one for the Competition Committee, and it caused much deliberation. However, since this occurred in the festive season, spirit of goodwill and all that, it was ultimately agreed that the great honour of winning KT107 would remain with Zsolti, with special commendation to both Hubert and Bálint for their attempts at thoroughness.
So, Zsolti, I expect you will now be facing a torrent of selfie demands from adoring fans in the new year, but I'm sure you will be capable of taking this new found stardom in your stride.
I'll post a new KT108 soon, probably after New Year. Till then, thanks to all contestants for 'having a go' – Happy New Year - and good luck with your exams in 2024, Junpei. I'm sure we all have our fingers crossed for you!