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Budapest Biker-Bird Blues (She's got the ...) - Updated

Writer:  Kester Eddy Kester Eddy

Updated: Mar 13, 2022

KesterTester66: You'd think this gal should be smiling - it's a sunny day, she's pretty, and she's on a motorbike (presumably her choice), and yet ... Forgotten her helmet, perhaps?

Photo: Have bike, will travel (not)?

I came upon a set of piccies this week and, needing ideas for the next tester, I wondered if I could turn them into that little challenge. You may think this should be a simple task, but it isn't, I promise you.

Some of you out there are mighty critical. Sanyi thinks I should make them easy to encourage readers; another Sanyi (well, more of a smart Alec in truth) is withering in his disdain if he thinks the challenge is beneath him.

Anyway, I played around with a few images, and was pondering how to structure this week's tester when my Ukrainian friend Iryna sent me notice of efforts to support her compatriot photographers' efforts to record tragic events in her homeland. Since that was far more significant than a mere whimsy piccie quiz (and, I admit, was much easier to solve) I switched attention to her appeal. (See yesterday's post Kyiv, Ukraine - Citizen's Car, Citizens' Homes.)

But that still left me with the problem of how to fashion KT66 from a myriad of choices. And I've finally plumped for a decision that should delight Alec and frustrate Sanyi something awful - at least for now.

The reason?

It's impossible to get the answer to this week's tester so far because I haven't yet decided on the question :)

After the gurmpy gal today, I'll publish another piccie in the series tomorrow (Kester spoiler- of two somewhat happier males) and a third set of images on Monday. At some point in the process, I'll decide on the question.

I am - was - thinking of offering another clue pertaining to the gal on the bike, but I think that's enough for now. I perhaps knew her name, but have long since forgotten. Rather like the gal in the phone booth - KT53, posted October 3 last year - would be fun to know if anyone recognises her!

Oh, alright then, softee that I am - here's another clue, for what it's worth: either she (or her friend with her at the time) had a diplomatic connection.

Of course, you can send in suggestions if you so desire to try to double guess me - using the website messaging system or via email :)

If this all seems too vague, there's still a chance to answer KT77 - that's the waterfall photo - and that one is pretty definite, so get sleuthing :)

OK, here's piccie number 2 - somewhat happier young gents than the Biker gal. Take a good look - some might even recognise them. Nice motor they have too.

More tomorrow.

And some good news to boot. Some readers may know Alan Sutton. He's a former Budapest resident who has appeared on this blog with a couple of guest posts (on playing organs in the late communist era (July 31, 2021) and Lviv Transport's Hot-pants Ticket Inspector (Jun 1, 2021).

Alan has lived in Dnipro, eastern Ukraine for the last 25 years or so. After Russia's attack on Thursday, he abandoned home on Thursday, crossed Ukraine by train, hit the border with Hungary safely yesterday afternoon and reached Budapest last night. Congratulations, Alan!

UPDATE: Monday, 28th February

OK, as promised, here's a third photo in this series, although, I confess it is not the same one that I had in mind originally (and it's probably not much help in answering this Tester).

Photo: Yes, you've guessed it, this is the Biker Bird from a different angle, almost 90 degrees different, in fact. She doesn't look so glum in this shot, but she's got her feet up and everyone else seems rather soporific. Perhaps it's the surprise of the April sun.

The good news is that I've decided on the question, and it's easy. Well, it's easier than the ones I was originally thinking of posting, and you don't have to know what the piccies are all about to spot the answer. (I'll post my original third pic next Friday.)

The three photos depicted here were all taken in more or less the same public place (the first two were almost from the same spot, I should think).

To win fame, glory - and the chance to buy me two beers - from KesterTester66 - where were these photos taken? I can guarantee 80% of readers have been there.

Answers please via the site messaging system or an email. Happy sleuthing!

ENTRIES UPDATE: First in was Jerry Taylor: “I’m definitely in dense mode at the moment, but first guess is corner of Nugati (Is that Nyugati, Jerry?) and westend, but back in the 50’s or early 60’s.

Will continue to ponder“

Jerry – I'm not THAT old. It's from 1989!

Next in, having fled Ukraine a few days earlier, was Alan Sutton: “The second picture looks to me like the car park at Nyugati. I don't know why she would be sunbathing on a bike there though so maybe I'm wrong.”

Nyugati is famous for women sunbathing - all over the station, day and night, didn't you know, Alan? Why, even in January, the sun has only to come out for ten minutes and they'll be there. Check it out next time you pass on the 4/6 tram :)

Then the flood of entries began. “Is that at Nyugati, Váci út side?” John Cantwell tentatively asked, before David Thompson asserted: “I was a bit slow to recognise this but then the penny dropped: the photos were taken at Nyugati station.”

He continued: “I can’t place the first and third photos - nice looking lady though - but the second photo, the guys and the Mercedes, surely shows the Vaci ut end of the flyover over the Korut. I think the Vaci ut building in the background is between Kadar u. and Katona Joszef u. The car park in the foreground is the Nyugati Station car park.”

Cor .. so much detail, I think you deserve a beer (with me) for all that, David.

And all the way from Oregon, David McCall took the trouble to proffer his best effort.

“As far as KT66 goes, I'm fairly certain that the photos were taken outside Nyugati Palyaudvar. The overpass in the 2nd pic appears to have Vaci ut in the background, so I'm guessing it was taken in the parking lot on the western side of the building. Back when there was a parking lot there.”

“Hope all is well with you. Thank you for continuing to put all these things out there for us to contemplate!”

Well, you've all contemplated pretty well. The lady on the motorbike is facing away from the station facade at the end of the shorter platforms outside the classical train shed, looking towards Nyugati ter. Actually, I blew up the piccie to focus on the bird and bike - full picture is below.

Photo: The full pic. As I remember, one of these two young extras was the daughter of the then commercial counselor at the British embassy. One of them, I have a feeling it was she in the sidecar, was also a skin beautician (or training to be so). We had a long conversation about that in which she explained many of the basics to me.

And so to the great moment, the draw for KesterTester66 has just been made by none other than my daughter, who paused from her many duties to draw out number …. 2!

Step forward Alan Sutton, your new life as a global celebrity is about to begin. And you can choose the venue to buy me two beers :) We can celebrate your escape from Ukraine at the same time!

Congratulations to everyone who joined in the fun and ponderings. I'm busy right now, so haven't had time to choose the next Tester – meanwhile, take a look again at KT67 if you haven't entered – fame and global celebrity status await!


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