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Chomp in Comfort - Denture Repairs at your Service!

Writer's picture:  Kester Eddy Kester Eddy

Updated: Nov 17, 2024

KesterTester122 - Don't you just love these old commercial signs that give it to you straight? Make your gnashers gleam again! (Updated with results!)

Photo: A Budapest summer street scene that could be anywhere, you might think?

But the challenge of KT122, dear reader, is to identify this street! Impossible? No, I'm pretty certain it can be done, though it might need a ride courtesy of the BKK to check.

I forget when I took this pic, but it's surely sometime between May and early September - in fact I'd guess in June or July, although the boys are not in shorts, so it's maybe not that hot. (Not that this is much aid in locating the scene, but as the supermarket jingle goes, every little bit helps. )

I'd be very surprised if our denture repair man is still in business, but I'll have to make my way to this place again in the near future to ensure I've remembered the street correctly - can't be telling you any falsehoods in this prestigious international competition, can we?

Answers please, quoting KT122, via the site messaging system or an email in the next week or so if you can to ensure your number goes into the EU Competition Standard Black Woolly Hat that will give you the chance to win fabulous prizes like the chance to buy me two beers. And all for free - just a wee bit of sleuthing!


Wow! KesterTester122 has caused the Competition Committee a lot of soul searching and sleepless nights, as will be revealed below. (Yes, now perhaps readers realise the efforts the committee go to to ensure fair and unbiased judgement in this fast-becoming iconic, hugely popular, international competition.)

But first, the competition entries.

Hubert “Poirot” Warsmann was quick off the mark with his entry.

Hi Kester, this looks suspiciously like the back of St Theresa church in the background so it should be Akacfa u towards the intersection with Kiraly u. The condition of the building matches that of the disctrict in the early 90's, when the picture was likely taken. The place is probably a bar or a restaurant these days given the location. Enjoy the long weekend.”

Alexander Faludy took an interest in this one.

It is what is today called Nagymező utca but which doubtless had some other, commie inspired, name at the time you took the picture.

The give away is the distinctive shape of them windows of the parish Chruch of St. Theresa of Avila (which gives its names to the Terézváros) glimpsed at the end of the street.”

Mihály “have a punt” Hollós thought it more in the city centre.

Hello Kester,.

Re KT122, my guess regarding the location of the dental repairs shop is Sütő utca in district 5.

Best, Misi”

Tom Chilton, once a master sleuth, but from whom we have not heard in quite a while, was also a fan of VII.

“The pic is taken at the north end of Akácfa utca, looking towards Király utca,” he wrote, curtly.

Wait, 3 this place is getting more popular by the minute. Gábor Rimner messaged in:

Subject: Fényképed

Akácfa utca 51. (Fogas Ház)”

Alan Sutton piled on the popularity.

“Dear Kester

That looks like the end of Akácfa utca where it joins what may have then been Majakovsky utca, now Király utca as that looks like the end of the Szent Terez templom, near the music academy

Regards, Alan Sutton”

Steve Saracco, kind of sensing the mood in the ether, agreed with the sentiment but sought to put other punters right.

It so looks like akacfa utca but it isnt...I have walked past it so many times...”

Well, that's definitive enough where it isn't, but where is it please, Stephen?

Imre Kőrizs was also led astray by the looks, assuming Stephen is correct.

Dear Kester,

it seems that the church is "Nagy Szent Teréz templom", in Nagymező Street, then the view is from Akácfa street. But the buildings at the right are somewhat different.

Cheers, Imre”

John Cantwell was decidedly to the point.

Akacfa u 76.” 

Frank Hegedus

Dear Kester...

Isn't there a ruin pub with that name in Akácfa utca...?”

I don't know, Frank – that's your task, perhaps, to find out!

Not that I have ever been there, you understand...”

The thought never entered my head, Frank.

Instant-Fogás maybe...

Akácfa utca 49

If I win, we will get our pints there...”

You'll have been there then, for sure!


First of all, I confess to under-estimating the skills and knowledge of our readership here, general congratulations all round.

Indeed it is the Church of St Theresa (you can feel good about that bit, Alex, but alas for you, it is not Nagymező utca (As it was so named, from memory, in the 1980s.)

As for your suggestion, Steven, there is a good reason why it looks so like Akácfa utca - because, well, it is!

However, it is not what today is the Fogás 'ruin pub' at 49-51 as several suggest, but right at the end of the street – as Alan Sutton correctly writes. I think the houses depicted would be 65 and 67 the final two on that side of the street. I wanted to pay a visit to check, but haven't found the time.

So why did the Competition Committee worry? Well, Alex got the right church, but named the wrong street. Steve got the right street, but said it wasn't :) And several got the right street, but the wrong house numbers.

The Committee turned to check the question carefully, deliberating for some hours regarding the judgement. The question, however, only asked for the street. So it was solemnly decided that all those seven who identified it (positively) as Akácfa utca would go into the EU approved Black Woolly hat for the draw – which I will now undertake, if I can get past the many TV crews and their paraphernalia, each desperate for shots of the great moment.

And, after negotiating the cameras and associated cables, I can reveal the winner is … Number 1, namely Hubert “Poirot” Warsmann – truly a super sleuth and a lucky one at that! (Sorry, Frank, you'll have to wait awhile to sup in the modern-day Fogás.)

So there you have it. Next time I'm in the region of Akácfa utca, I shall have to take a look at the modern-day facades and businesses therein.

Thanks to for all taking part and joining in the fun!

And Hubert … what about those beers?


Stephen Sarocco has written in:

"Not so Fast! Kester - I call ‘sorry but no’ on your picture location."

Stephen, who says his bedroom for a year faced the church on the corner, and he lived in the area for years to boot, reckons the buildings do not fit with today's facades, which could not have been added in the years in between.

Now Stephen's been repairing buildings for 30 years, so he's no mean amateur on this subject. I've asked him to put his detailed critique in the comments.

For me, I can't see how it can be any other street, but maybe readers in the area can pop by and add their opinions.

1 Comment

Nov 16, 2024

Worse, I lived in Király utca between Akácfa utca and Csányi utca for a year (right after they changed the name from Majakovszkij utca)!

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