GuesterTester84 - But what were they part of originally? (Updated with RESULTS.)

Photo: A collection of re-purposed buildings somewhere in central-eastern Europe - which might not be too difficult for some to recognise - but what was their original purpose? Or, if you like, who originally owned them?
A regular (well, perhaps occasional) reader has sent this piccie to me this week to test me ( :) ) and I thought it would do well for this weekend's GuesterTester.
Answers, please, via an email or the site messaging system (rather than a comment, which kind of tells everyone and their dog your answer, correct or otherwise :))
UPDATE: EXTRA CLUE: Gosh, this has been proving very difficult for you all, it seems. And I'm honestly suprised. OK, here's a clue I never thought I'd need to give, but these facilities were originally part of a heavy engineering complex in Budapest. Now, what complex could that have been?
UPDATE: The Results! Awfully sorry for the long delay in announcing the glorious news as to the winner of KT84. Life just seems to get busier. First entry was Willard Dickerson, who reckoned this one was in his District X. “The photos look like the Eiffel Art Studios, the new workshop/performance center of the Hungarian State Opera. The property is in Kőbánya (Budapest’s 10th District), and it used to be part of the Ganz Locomotive Factory complex. The Ganz Locomotive Factory is mentioned in the first chapter of James Michener’s book The Bridge at Andau, which provides a good account of the ’56 Revolution,” says Will. Funny thing, another regular reader has recently mentioned that book, Will. As for the answer … Next in was Csilla Davalovszky. “The photo was taken in Millenáris Park [District II], showing some of the buildings of the current cultural and leisure centre. The Park is situated in the former Ganz Works foundry complex, created by Ábrahám Ganz in 1844, which grew into a fabulous manufacturing company in 1878, thanks to András Mechwart. My father, electric engineer (R.I.P.), would have loved to see Károly Zipernowsky, Ottó Titusz Bláthy and Miksa Déri inventing the transformer on the Factory premises,” wrote Csilla. After my soft heart gave way, and I posted more clues, and Bill from the Flour Mill swooped in. “The industrial building is tricky, especially with the mysterious vertical dimension induced by the staircase. I certainly don't recognise them. I would say its most likely to be Ganz, for obvious reasons, and I know that Millenaris is really introducing modern stuff into the equation. … I've now just looked at it on the internet and that's it. Bill To be followed by Super Sleuth John Cantwell. “Ah, I knew we could count on softee Kester. KT 84 – That is part of Millenáris, at the entrance on Fény utca. Formerly part of the Ganz works on that site. As for KT 85, I may need to go for a ride on the 7 bus," John reasoned. And that was the total entrees for this Tester, which I thought would be quite easy. Strange one this, because although Willard identified the wrong building (it is Millenáris Park), he said it was the Ganz works – albeit another part of the company – but I feel I have to allow his entry as it answers the question. Furthermore, I must admit (and I'm writing before the numbers even go into the EU-approved Black Woolly Hat), Csilla, who got the right answer before the extra clues came along, really deserves to win, and I thought of allowing her two numbers in the draw, but rules is rules, and so she goes in as just number 2. (By the way, Csilla, I think the Hungarian engineers you mention didn't actually 'invent' the transformer – they had been around for awhile at the time – but they invented the closed-iron ring core for a step-down transformer, which greatly improved the efficiency of the beast. According to Wiki, Nikola Tesla then inverted that idea, and used it for a step-up transformer. ) Anyway, enough history of technology for now - I'll now do the draw. And the winner is … ah, it seems the Karmic Law is working hard today, prepare yourself for further global fame … Number 2, Csilla Davalovszky! Well done Csilla and everyone!
I'll give you a day or two yet to get on the Number 7 bus and nail those towers in KT85.
And thanks for the photo, Steven Fisher! Have a great weekend, everyone!