KesterTester72 - After a couple of toughies (and KT71 Bakos bácsi is proving very tough), this piccie should not need too much brain work for a good few regular readers. Or not?

Photo: The little boy on the second bike, who looks to be about five years old, will probably be a strapping university student by now, as this photo was taken in September, 2008 to go with a piece for an EU magazine. But where is he in this shot?
I'm a bit behind with writing these days. I promise to post the results of KT70 (that's the young lady at sunset) on Sunday, so you still have time to sleuth the last two testers, as well as this one, above.
Answers please via the site messaging system or in an email - kindly label any you send KT72 to help me not miss you insightful entry and your chance for global celeb status :)
Have a great weekend!
UPDATE on Sunday, 15.05.2022
Well, as expected, this produced a good harvest of entries, 15 in fact, although not everyone quite got the precise location. Gary Morrell reckoned it was Pécs, and Mihály Hollós thought it was from somewhere in the Tabán-Déli Railway Station area, presumably looking up at the Castle district. Mark Bownas wrote in to say: “This reminds me of Miskolc where I spent 6 weeks in Jan/Feb/Mar 1992 at the Borsodi Brewery.” - I do wonder if this answer was, however, meant for the next KesterTester – the industrial desolation pic. (Mark had maybe jumbled his emails.) Frank Hegedus admitted that he didn't know the road intersection, but the “I do not know the intersection, but the structure in the background looks like …. the cathedral in Esztergom, so Esztergom is my guess...” And, indeed, a number spotted that building in the background and opted for Esztergom. Which if fine, except … as John Cantwell (who is in the nomination for Sleuth of the Decade) put it:
“Hi Kester,
Yes, fairly easy, but not so easy, because it’s not Esztergom, but Šturovo, across the river in, I forget the name of the country, you know the one. It’s at the zebra across Szechenyi looking to Namestie Slobody.
I hope you’re keeping count of how many of these I answer correctly. John.!
Oooer – no, I'm not keeping count John, sorry!
Peter Karlsson got really specific:
“Dear Kester,
I think I’ve found the exact spot in Štúrovo. The boy on the bike is coming from Námestie Slobody and is crossing Sobieskeho / Széchenyiho towards Hlavná.
(Whether they are ulice or boulevards or something else I haven’t got the faintest idea.)
Anyway, it took me half a second to see that it’s the Esztergom basilica in the background. I haven’t been there since 1986. Now that there’s a bridge I will visit Šturovo as well.”
Perhaps you could suggest to the Tourism Office there they should help sponsor the blog, Peter?
Anyway, yes, indeed, the piccie is actually taken in Štúrovo (Párkány in Hungarian), on the north bank of the Danube, which here forms the border with Hungary.
How would you know that? Well, as David McCall wrote: “… once I enlarged the photo so I could see that the signpost had Slovak over Hungarian, it was clear that it was taken in downtown Štúrovo -- a town that has done a great job fixing up its downtown …” Well, eight numbers went into the hat, and the winner was … number 8, last correct entry in … drum roll for ….. Steve Anthony, who wrote:
“People crossing road seems like an easy one, Esztergom basilica in background, but I suppose vantage point may be across the river in Štúrovo, Slovakia as that appears to be the side of the basilica directly facing the river... street signs don't seem very Hungarian, though squint as I may I cannot make them out.” So, well done, Steve – I don't know if you'll be able to leave home this week once news gets out and the adoring fans begin to crowd round the gate :) Congrats to everyone who had a go, and please turn to the latest Testers out there – I'll add another clue or perhaps even two to KT74, the latest one, this evening, immediately after posting this. Have a great week, everyone!
I got it too, but no mention - easy if you blow up the picture as the Slovak names come first and the Hungarian ones second
ah cool, won one finally ;-) what's my prize? ;-)