KesterTester85- Many readers will have glimpsed this view, but where? UPDATED with Winner!

Photo: An 'above-the-street' scene in the Hungarian capital illustrating some classic (I would say) late 19th century design elements - except the architect of the building in the distance didn't seem satisfied with just a turret or a tower - he or she went for both, and a sort of church-roof-cum-spire to boot.
Apologies for missing a week of KesterTesters - but this one could be easy, as I'm 100% sure many readers could have, at one time or another, glanced down this street. It's very near a major Budapest traffic centre, but it's the kind of thing we easily miss in the bustle and hustle of life.
True, it's not as splendiferous as all the faux embellishments of the Fisherman's Bastion, but it's intriguing what architects got up to back in the day, and sometimes in unexpected quarters.
For the chance to win fame and the good fortune of buying me two beers, send your answers in via email or the website messaging system (not in the comments, please).
By the way, to my utter surprise, I've only had two attempts at sleuthing the answers to the last Tester, KT84, so I'll keep that one open for another few days.
Have a great weekend!
UPDATE: Regular blog reader Amy has written in to say that Donald Blinken, ambassador, financier and art patron, died on Thursday night, aged 96. He co-founded a venture capital firm, championed Mark Rothko, served in Hungary during a pivotal period and raised a future U.S. secretary of state. By coincidence, Donald Blinken, with his wife, Vera, featured in KesterTester83, just over a month ago. My condolences to his family.
UPDATE: EXTRA CLUE(s): Well, this scene seems to have foxed far more sleuths here than I would have imagined, so before I win my first and only KesterTester myself, I'd better offer another clue, softee that I am.
Perhaps too many of you wizz round town in a car or taxi these days, but if you use BKV transport services you would be at an advantage with this one, because it's visible from a bus stop.
OK, there are lots of bus stops in Budapest, so I'll offer an even better clue: it's not just any bus stop, but it's on one of the most important bus routes in the city - the Number 7 bus. There are other buses that stop there too, but I can't get everything away, and what I've let out here narrows things down considerably.
So get sleuthing!
UPDATE2 - The Lucky, Plucky Winner is ....
Apologies for my tardiness in getting this draw done and dusted – but entries for this have been thin on the ground – I expected BKV to announce an unprecedented increase in loadings on the number 7 bus as sleuthers stuck to the task. :)
Anyway, first seeking pole position in the coveted EU-approved Black Woolly Hat was Mr Steven Anthony, who tentatively posited:
Is this on the corner of Kazinczy and Dob? I may have to go along and check ;-)
Well, Steven, have you done so?
Swooping in a little later was Des McGrath, who was far more confident in asserting:
That is the view along Sip u. from Ráköczi út looking towards Dohány u. The old Metro cinema was it not?
Hmmmm. After these intrepid punters had punted their stuff there followed a longish interlude and a gift of a clue before Tom Chilton swept into the room to proclaim:
The answer to KT 85 is the building on the corner of Népszínház utca and Víg utca. I dunno about KT 84.
And the answer is: if you stand at the number 7 bus stop by the Lidl supermarket on Blaha Luiza tér - Rákóczi út, and look down Csokonai ut opposite, you will indeed espy the building, replete with its towers and turrets, some 150 metres distant that stands on the corner of Népszínház utca and Víg utca.
So congratulations to Mr Chilton on another fine win (a walkover) in the Tester series.That's two beers please, assuming you can get past the adoring fans demanding selfies and a share in the glory.
I'll put another one up later today to tantalise you all over the long weekend. Have a good one!